Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm Sick of Green

I’m sick of a lot of things: Barbie and Ken news commentators; scummy celebrities (from Prince Charles right on down); the way the minority rules in our country right now; a governor who is an embarrassment; a ribald joke of an ex-president; unbalanced reporting by the mainstream media, and “going green.”

It isn’t that I don’t like the color green. It’s one of my favorites, especially when it’s the color of leaves on trees (when I’m currently seeing nothing but winter-brown grass covered with snow and ice). I’m sick of this whole “green movement.”

An extreme example is the ridiculous concept of “carbon offsets.” The idea that you can go ahead and operate your billion-dollar corporate (or personal) jet to fly from here to there on a whim, and then you can offset that tremendous expenditure of carbon fuels and horrendous outpouring of exhaust gasses by simply paying some entity a big sum of money. Since when does lining someone’s pockets with money help to “save the environment”? And who is it that is getting the money? Peta? Whale watchers? Global Warming Enthusiasts? You can bet that it’s not reaching the rest of us who live ordinary lives and try our darndest to leave as small a footprint on this earth as we sensibly can.

I have yet to hear of a “green campaign” that didn’t turn out to be a hoax. Hybrid cars? They use up more fossil fuels providing the electricity that keeps them charged. Using dishes instead of disposable plates/cups/etc? So where do you think that dish-washing liquid comes from? Renewable sources of energy? Every one of them is more expensive to the environment once you dig beneath the surface statistics that are supposed to fool you. Gasahol? It’s nice for corn producers, but that corn has to be turned into alcohol, and that doesn’t happen with the flick of a wand. The list goes on and on.

And on a completely trivial and frivolous front, I don’t like the greens that are being forced on us as the “in” colors. Lime green and olive for living room walls? Come on! That’s a disgusting combination! Lime green and turquoise? We struggled through that combination in the 70s, and it’s no happier a marriage of color now than it was then.

I’d better quit this diatribe so I don’t have to go buy some carbon offsets for using up the airwaves (and the electricity it takes to run my laptop).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well since global warming is a hoax, why should we expect the methods of stopping it to be real? IMO, the greenshirts are the new red/brown shirts and the Green mafia will do anything to stop us from being successful people even if it means we go back to the stone age.

1) CO2 is not a pollutant that misnomer pisses me off more than ANYTHING in this gestapo. CO2 is a necessary gas that plant life transforms into Oxygen for us to breath!

2) CO2 is NOT causing the planet to warm. The troposphere data does not match the greenhouse warming models AT ALL. If we were experiencing enhanced greenhouse the upper atmosphere should be warmer than the lower atmosphere. IT'S NOT.

3) And perhaps most importantly... the planet is not even WARMING ANYMORE. The last warming year was 1998, now 10 years ago. And even more ironically with Nasa's corrected data over the last century the warmest year in North America was 1934.

4) Polar Bear population has increased from 5,000 in the 1960's to 25,000 today. Clearly they are NOT threatened, they are thriving.

5) The artic sea ice recovered to a level not seen since the late 70's last year. (more proof that warming has ended, and we should be more concerned about the coming ice age. THAT is not caused by man, but by the sun and other natural effects!)