Monday, February 7, 2011

Those little notes that accumulate beside the telephone are tantalizing. Every once in awhile the stack gets to unruly proportions and I decide to thin it out. Sometimes I find notes about things I was supposed to have done....weeks or even months ago. Ooops!
Then there are the cryptic ones that leave me puzzled.
In my latest purge I came across one that said "366 E. Hickory Kan 815 932 8124." I couldn't think of any contact I had had with Kansas in the past couple of months. I was about to add the note to the "important but unknown" stack when I remembered that you can do a reverse search of phone numbers on the Internet.
Wonderful! Turns out it wasn't Kansas; it was Kankakee, and the note referred to the address and phone number of a Catholic school. I must have been doing an article for the News Bulletin and jotted the information down so I could include it in the story.
Mystery solved. Note tossed in the circular file. Life is good.

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