Monday, January 11, 2010


I just finished reading the latest Sue Grafton book, U is for Undertow. That Kinsey Milhone is my kind of woman!
At one point she admits that she doesn't do smalltalk, and she admits that that may be why she doesn't have many friends. I totally understand.
I've never been very good at smalltalk. I really don't care about the current celebs, for example. To me they all look alike and they live like trash. I don't talk politics with anyone unless I know they agree with me. (That's because I don't think fast enough to argue with them.) Comments about the weather only lasts about ten seconds. I don't know anything about current fashion and styles (except that for the most part, I don't like them). So there's nothing to talk about.
One of the problems with Face Book is that most of it seems to be smalltalk. People write such small stuff that it's often one cryptic word. I hardly ever know what they're talking about, but that's probably because A) I'm old, and B) I don't know how to do or decipher smalltalk.
The one exception to this is if the person I'm talking to is a teacher (or was ever a teacher). THEN we have something to talk about! But I don't class that as smalltalk. That's interesting, important stuff!
Kinsey's right. It's hard to have many friends if you don't have anything to talk to them about.

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