Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lemon on Lemon on Lemon

I can't get enough of lemon. Lemon meringue pie, lemon whippersnap cookies, lemon-pecan no-bake cookies, lemon frostening, lemon anything at all.
It reminds me of my favorite cake to take to a pot luck: lemon cake mix, poked while warm and drizzled with lemon Jell-O, covered with lemon pudding, frosted with lemon frosting with a drift of lemon zest on top. Is there a way to add more lemon to this thing?
Also reminds me of the time we were in El Paso, TX. I wasn't feeling all that well, and we decided to eat in a big cafeteria place where I would probably be able to choose something that would not rile my stomach up any more. There was something that looked like it was made with lemon Jell-O, and I asked the server, "Is that Jell-O?" She said, "Si, it is jello." Well, it wasn't as lemony as I thought it should be. Later, we were shopping for guyabera (sp?) shirts for Jim, and I told the clerk I would take two of them. She said, "Do you want this jello one, too?"

1 comment:

Norm Deplume said...

I remember the lemon jello issue at the cafeteria in Texas. Good times.

There was a dinner at church last night and they had a bunch of desserts left over. So I jsut ate a piece of lemon cake for breakfast. I cannot get enough of lemon either. I think because it tastes like summer.